
Saturday, July 16, 2011

100th Day Activity

TBA is celebrating their 100th day in the blogger world with a linky party full of great 100th day activities! Click here to join!

Here is an activity I did with my class this past year and they loved it! I got the idea from a blog or Proteacher...The idea is not my own, but I did create it in my own way. If this book is your idea please tell me so I can give you credit.  Anyways, Its a little book called "I Wish I Had 100..."  The students write and illustrate about different things they would want to have 100 of, and then on the last page they write about something they would never want 100 of. We started the book in the morning filling in their ideas and then they worked on the illustrations throughout the day as they finished their other work...a few of my students actually drew 100 of the different items in their the end of the day they loved getting to read their books to the class...more ideas to come when we get closer to the 100th day of school...I can't think that far ahead when it's still summer.

Just any of you have your class bring in collections of 100 items? I remember doing it when I was younger and I loved it. Gathering the items with my mom and bringing it to school, I just don't remember what we did with them when we got to school....haha...I'd love to do it with my students if I could come up with some meaningful activities...please post a comment and share what you do or any ideas you have.

Ok, click on the large 100 to download the book! 


1 comment:

  1. تعتبر شركات تصنيع العبوات الزجاجية فى مصر من الشركات المهمة في الصحة والصيدلة. حيث تقوم بتصنيع العبوات الزجاجية المخصصة لتعبئة المنتجات الدوائية والعلاجية والتجميلية. تتميز هذه العبوات بأنها مقاومة للضوء والحرارة، مما يضمن حماية المنتجات الحساسة والتي تتطلب تخزينًا خاصًا.
